DIY Jewelry Box


Jewelry storage is always a hassle for me. This is a fun and cheap solution… DIY jewlery ring box. The best thing about DIY crafts is that you can customize them to your needs and taste. Get creative and try it out!

This is the link from A Bubbly Life where you can find the instructions:

What’s in My Jewelry Box: Silver

Rings left to right: Peter Marino sterling silver skull, Zoe Chicco snake black diamond ring, Tiffany’s Metro Ring in pink gold, stacked on top is a mother pearl band, Pamela Love cage ring.
Necklaces: Mexican plastic choker and crystal necklace (not sure of the designer)

What’s in My Jewelry Box: Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! This year for Christmas I got a lot of beautiful gifts. I guess everyone knows I love jewelry and I was lucky enough to receive some beautiful pieces from my loved ones.

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Vanessa Arizaga pearl necklace with bananas (LOVE her designs)

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Dear Rae gold ring (South African designer) and Peter Marino sterling silver skull ring

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Mexican designer (not sure the name, but will figure it out)

What’s in my Jewelry Box: NYC

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In this picture on my right hand (left to right) I am wearing a black diamond snake ring by Zoe Chicco (I think..), my Italian ring I wore last time with the same Tiffany’s Wedding Band underneath. On my left hand I am wearing a vintage Zuni ring from New Mexico, a mother pearl band and the Tiffany’s Metro pink ring.

I’ve been in NYC all week and I bought the vintage zuni ring while in Brooklyn!